How about a DAY OF APPLES?
When we are dealing with dis-eases, and life on planet earth in general, things can be difficult. To get through the day, getting out of bed each morning is sometimes the number one goal.
I'm always looking for ways to improve health graciously with some fun.
One of the current issues keeping me from enjoying the day, is painful and constant reflux or heart-burn. It seems to be hanging out 24/7. Anything and everything seems to cause this unpleasant burning in my chest. I'm sure you, like me, have a few favorite "tricks" to calm down or eliminate this uncomfortable symptom. If you mention to someone you are having this problem, you will receive endless remedies. I've tried them all. Trust me.
As I talked about in the past two BLOGS, my symptoms are coming from the heavy metals leaching from boob-ticking-time-bombs. None of the helpful remedies/tricks are going to work until these bombs are removed. Surgery is scheduled for March 2nd, 2020.
I'm very excited to go through this much-needed surgery - but cannot wish time away, so what to do to calm down the 30+ annoying, uncomfortable, and painful breast-implant-illness-symptoms, and most particular: Reflux?
Since I am NOT a fan of side-effects from addictions, lethargy, and delaying healing, I refuse to take drugs, recreational, prescription or over-the-counter, or most herbal concoctions. So what's a girl in pain, to do? I vote for FOOD.
"Let food be thy medicine..."
I'm taking these words-of-wisdom, seriously, and going to the FOOD EXPERTS. Who are they? Many profess to be. I've tried most of their ideas as well. Trust me. We need REAL EXPERTS.
1. Heaven. Heaven obviously creates and provides REAL FOOD. Not homogenized, pasteurized, "improved," boxed, canned non-foods, botched, and ruined by man. Many times I made great food choices based on "if God made it - I'll eat it. If man improved it - I'll avoid it." This works really well.
2. Dr. Doug Graham. For thirty years, I've studied the books and lectures of Dr. Graham. He and his charming wife, Professor Rozi, have guided me through several water-fasts, sports-camps, un-cooking-courses, and held my hand through personal life-tragedies. Their how, when, and what foods to eat, has been highly effective and valuable. I learned from them the value of eating mono-meals: one food at a time to assist digestion. Powerful.
3. In the past five-years, I've discovered another food-life-expert, Anthony William. He is The Medical Medium, guided by Heaven. His profound, delightful, and educational revelations about the personal power of each different food, can be trusted and put in action by anyone wishing to become healthy.
There are thousands of self-proclaimed experts with their very different ideas about what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat it, how to eat it, and their theories of why. Blah, blah, blah. If I'm going to survive this health-ordeal, in which I currently find myself, I need to get serious about the power of food. I need TRUTH, not theories, ideas, nor practices. I'm in pain now. I don't have time to test all these guesses - I need the "real deal" to finish this life-race, well.
I've been working with Heaven since birth - I'm sold. I've been working with Dr. Doug Graham for thirty years - I've applied and proven his information. I've been studying The Medical Medium for over five years - and his knowledge is REAL. I no longer listen to the other "experts." This has paid off in having more time and brought about best results.
Anthony William wrote the book on food: LIFE-CHANGING FOODS: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love With the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables.
Now we're talking. I need some "hidden healing powers." How about you?
Anthony wrote a chapter on fifty different foods. FIFTY! For the next fifty days (which will more than prepare me for the operation, and get me through to "Boob-Bomb-Day: March 2nd," I will eat one food a day. I'm so excited.
Today I'm having APPLES, nothing but apples. Tomorrow, APRICOTS. Get the book and read about these different foods. Here's some information from his chapter on APPLES: THE FOOD, CONDITIONS, SYMPTOMS, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT, SPIRITUAL LESSONS, TIPS, and topped off with a delicious RECIPE. Simple recipe. I need simple.
"Never underestimate the power of an apple."
"This fruit's anti-inflammatory properties make it a top pick when you're faced with practically any illness. Encephalitis (brain inflammation), IBS (intestinal inflammation), and viral infection (which can result in nerve inflammation) are just a few conditions in which apples can play the critical nutritional role of calming your system by reducing viral and bacterial loads that create inflammation."
Now we're talking. Apples With Caramel Dip. YUM.
Tomorrow, join me for APRICOTS. Are you having fun, yet? I am.