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Deb Wood, PhD, ND

LIGHTEN UP DAY 8 - Purpose

Having no purpose can be discouraging and one of the main ingredients in the Recipe for Suicide. The Truth About Suicide, Volume One is now available. Contact the Veteran Wellness Center of Hampton Roads ( to order your copy.

Having a purpose is a vital component of the Lighten-Up lifestyle. Knowing your purpose makes it easier to get out of bed in the morning.

Transformation isn't just about releasing weight. Feeling and seeing the fat melt away is an extraordinary thing, but reframing our thoughts to change old, unhealthy patterns is nothing short of fun. Effortlessly keeping off the weight in the future is our goal.

Like reaching a comfort level of a new job. When we aren't the new kid on the block, and we settle into a comforting skill level, our jobs become more enjoyable. Life becomes a "piece of ... fruit." (not a piece of cake)

Day 8 reveals this comfort level as Lynne and I can look at each other (both smaller), and feel content with: "we've got this." Drinking juice-elixirs, and eating raw fruits and vegetables (foods that love us back) is calming and brings clarity of mind.

Our purpose was to come to the Iditarod, in Alaska, in the wintertime, and LIGHTEN UP. We are doing just that. Part of this quest is to become educated in the journey of true health, so we have chosen to follow The Healing Path by Anthony William (free online course:, and we've learned the following:

Day 1 - Fruits : Why Fruits are Vitally Important

Day 2 - Leafy Greens : Alkalize and Mineralize

Day 3 - Vegetables : Veggies Matter

Day 4 - Hydration : The Secrets of Hydration

Day 5 - Sunshine : Beyond Vitamin D

Day 6 - Sleep : Sleep That Heals

Day 7 - Creativity : Accessing Your Creativity

Day 8 - Purpose : The Truth About Purpose

Knowledge is power. YUP. It's true. So what did we learn from studying The Healing Path - Module 8 on Purpose? Every morning when we wake up, let our first words and thoughts be this: "I Work For God." Try it ... it's powerful.

St John, Chapter 4:

14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


AM – Lemon-ginger water Breakfast – Smoothie: bananas, dates, frozen cherries, BGJ extract Mid-AM – Smoothie: bananas, papaya, strawberries, fresh aloe leaf gel, cilantro Lunch – Chopped salad: spinach baby kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion. Blended dressing: lime juice, avocado, cilantro, garlic Mid-PM – Sliced peaches with strawberries Dinner - Mango salsa: mangoes, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, cilantro, garlic. Serve over red leaf lettuce PM – Herbal Tea


Downtown Anchorage - Following the Iditarod Dog Sleds and Mushers (13 mile procession)

Fantastic Faces - We are getting a natural facelift! (


The Healing Path - Module 8 : The Truth About Purpose

Be Well. Be Safe. Be Happy.

Who do YOU work for?


Lynne & Deb

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