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Deb Wood, PhD, ND

It Could Be Worse! Who Cares?

Most of the time, things are good, but every now and then a day "hits" that leaves all of us saying: "Seriously? What the PHO?" Today is one of those. I woke up early, prayed for myself, family, friends, clinic, our government, church and the world. It was just one of those days when I was feeling loving, grateful, peaceful and happy. That should have been my first clue.

I picked up the grandkids and deposited them at Vacation Bible School ... are you impressed yet? Went to the gym and did a double workout. I forgot to mention that I started the Medical Medium 28-Day-Healing-Cleanse this morning. I made my celery juice and my smoothie, and packed up lunch. I was impressing myself.

While discussing the diet with Billy Yancey at ANABO GYM - I started getting calls. The software for the PODS in Float Norfolk wasn't working. I ran out of the gym and took off to Renova. On the way, I had several phone calls from Dave Hynes of Hampton Roads Helicopter. He had a buyer for my ship and needed an answer right away. We played phone tag.

I arrived at Renova, met by Dr. Morgan who asked where Derik was? Derik is out of town today, I innocently replied. "Well, we have a major problem. Water is pouring out of the ceiling in the Yoga Room, upstairs. Who do I report this to?"

I smiled as panic gripped my soul and replied, "Me." I called Derik and he gave me instructions to turn off the air conditioner in that area and called our HVAC guru's. He said the leak would stop shortly. I hope so; as it is becoming warm in the building. (Outside, the humidity is high and so is the temperature.)

Then Reyna and I went to work on the computer issue for the float Pods ... we followed our "fix-it" protocol - to no avail. Now we are waiting for James, the manufacturer to come over and work his magic.

While waiting, I decided to drink my smoothie designated for lunch. I am proud of myself for packing it, preparing and I'm also hungry. I pulled my smoothie jar out of my insulated bag. I twisted the lid ... mouth watering ... stomach growling ... happy with myself. It exploded all over my office. My lovely frozen blueberries had gone bad ... the insulated bag did not do it's job. I wanted to cry ... and while cleaning up the mess - Nick, my Veteran Navy Seal partner texted me, "Come to the BEMER room. We have a problem."

It's noon. High noon. I'm scared now, of this day. Of what is coming? Reyna reminded me that things could be worse. I'm going to hurt her. Seriously.

Have a nice day everyone.

It's truly a jungle out there.


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