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Deb Wood, PhD, ND


A big part of LIGHTEN UP 33 DAY TRANSFORMATION is education and reframing the way we look at a healthy life-style, with ZYTO Scans, and EVOX Reframing. Day 18 of The Healing Path free education course is called: EMBRACING FREEDOM.

Today is also the beginning of the grand finale of The Iditarod Race - The Greatest Race on Earth. Today, a TEAM of man and canine will cross the finish line here in Nome Alaska to be the winner of the 2018 Iditarod. It appears to be a young man named Ulsom from Norway.

As each TEAM crosses the finish line - they are met with cheers, relief, and admiration for running this race of extreme endurance. The Iditarod is Alaska's very own Olympic, an event screaming with the right to enjoy the freedom to challenge the elements and oneself.

Freedom is the greatest gift we have in America, and we live in this country where everyone can voice their opinions, even when those opinions speak out against our great nation and it's leaders. FREEDOM is a phenomena in this world, and nothing short of a miracle. The miracle of a Nation where every life matters: Mankind and Animal-kind. The Land of the FREE and the Home of BRAVE. Not just pretty words - but a reality that requires a price to be paid. We have to protect this miracle. Some do so with their lives.

Watching the Iditarod race of athletic mushers and their canine teammates, represents all the greatness that America stands for. It is easy to be proud to be an American here in Nome Alaska. I can't help but shed a tear for the good found in our land from sea-to-shining-sea. There is good in each and every one of us born into such a privilege. We are free to live and care about God, Family, Country, and the right to live healthfully. God Bless America and all of us in it.

Today's BLOG is short and sweet. I have little to no Internet service here in Nome, but wanted to touch base with all of my friends and family. To let you know how grateful I am to each one of you who made my life possible, and to live with FREEDOM.

On the flight from Anchorage to Nome, we brought two large coolers and several suitcases packed with produce along with a handy-dandy NINJA MASTER PREP to keep up our Lighten Up 33 Day Transformation commitment. We have plenty for juices, salads, raw soups and raw snacks. We've become used to feeling good and free from dis-eases. We like it and want more of it. Who knew this was possible without drugs or medical assistance? LOL

Living FREE and HEALTHY takes some preparation and planning, but you can do it if you really want to. We were tired of being incarcerated in our fat, feeling tired, and looking old. We are having a blast reversing, releasing, reframing and lightening up everything, including our attitudes. We figure our attitudes were the biggest problem, and as we see those attitudes changing, we see LIGHTEN UP is bringing us more FREEDOM.

Our prayer for you is for you to experience the LIGHTEN UP transformation program as well. If you are interested, Renova Reset, Massage Norfolk, Fitness Norfolk, and Float Norfolk can help you. Go to Renova on Wellness Wednesday (tomorrow) and tell them you are ready to lighten up. It feels so dang good. And it is so much freaking fun.

Be Safe. Be Well. Be Happy. Live FREE.

Love, Lynne & Deb



Anthony William - "Freedom, our final step on the journey, comes about when we know and believe that we are capable of healing. This belief will instill in us a true sense of freedom and peace. We all have the God given right to thrive, but for many people who have been through hardships, that is difficult to believe.

In this final audio, we’ll talk about the fears and negative beliefs that can hold us back from claiming our right to peace and healing. There are so many lies that surround us that can destroy our peace and steal our freedom, but we have to move beyond them together. So let’s talk about them now. Let’s get past them. Let’s move forward together.

I want you to know what I see for you in the future. You are going to be a powerful force for good in this world. Your voice deserves to be heard. And everything that you have suffered through will only give you that much more compassion and strength in the future.

We’re in this together and I know you can do it. Come back and listen to this audio whenever you need to remember where you’re going. You are going to get there. I believe in you. Blessings." (

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