Carolyn and Dana began their journey to RESET:
Carolyn couldn't stop crying at work. She was pretty sad, and there were a number of things weighing heavily on her mind, but she couldn't figure out how to fix them. She came in for a Reset scan to reveal the problem(s), and an EVOX session to reset. After the scan, she felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders:
"Ya know. I knew I was going to make a change but I wasn't expecting this much of a change. It feels awesome."
Dana's energy level was low and she was having some bothersome health issues. Her Reset scan revealed the need for an EVOX release of old family patterns. Unbeknown to her, there was anger, conditional love, and a tendency towards feelings of unworthiness. Whoa. She was carrying that around from several generations back - along with some heavy metals.
The scan showed the need to release the patterns from her Dad's family, first. "Release pattern" came quickly and effortlessly. She was amazed at how light hearted she felt. Next, she will release the patterns from her Mom's family. Her body revealed how long it will take to process this release and how long to wait before the next release - in seven days. The body knows "stuff." Through ZYTO/EVOX GSR - we can access this wisdom.
"Ya know. I do feel better. I feel happier."
Something is holding you back from being the healthiest and best you. What is it? You might know or think you know, but you aren't sure, or maybe you just don't want to think about it. Give us 90 days and we will show you how to change your inner world - through ENERGY ...
GSR to the rescue.
What is GSR? Galvanic Skin Response. It's FDA Approved and part of energy medicine, so it's always been around. We know about it thanks to NASA Research. At Renova Reset we can tap into it thanks to ZYTO/EVOX Technology. And YOU are the one who benefits.
90 days to a new you. What's keeping you from being your best? Reset now:
Family Patterns that do not serve you well
Addictions - sugar, caffeine, fat, anger, soft drinks, anything that does not serve you well
Post traumatic stress experiences
Release Weight
Reverse Aging
Find your MOJO
Trust yourself
Dis-ease Issues
Suicidal thoughts
If it makes you sad, then reframe and reset.