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Deb Wood, PhD, ND

Reset - Part II - Manna

When I was a little girl, my grandpa was my hero. He told me amazing stories from the Bible. He made the characters come alive, especially about having a Father in Heaven. I grew up with a love for our scriptures that carries forth to this day.

My favorite story was about Joseph and his coat of many colors. I am still fascinated with how our Father was able to weave so many different events around a single purpose to save Joseph's family from famine.

My second favorite story is, like most people's - Moses and the rescuing of the Lord's chosen people, the Israelite's, from Pharaoh and Egypt. Chocked full of miraculous events, from a burning bush to the parting of the Red Sea, every minute was a sit-on-the-edge-of-your-chair and hold your breath moment. But one part stuck with me my whole life: Manna.

The fact that Father would feed all those people with "manna" which showed up each morning, was a most desirable prospect to me. I was fascinated by "what" manna was? One translation of the word manna is "what is it?"

My train of thought has always been, couldn't He love us as much as He loved the Israelites? Enough to care about what we eat? Enough to provide us with something to provide all the nutrients necessary for us to thrive and do His will?

With childlike faith - I never gave up on that thought. And am not disappointed. Manna is available to this day and all we have to do is pick it or pick it up from the grocery store. What is it? It could be "wild foods."

I've heard most of us are alive today because we once ate a dandelion leaf. But unlike the Israelite's who became bored with the same food day after day - we have more than one wild-food-manna. Here is a list of the wild foods able to sustain us, reverse dis-eases, and bring us incredible health benefits:

Wild Blueberries (frozen from Maine)

Aloe Vera

Atlantic Sea Vegetables (Dulse)

Burdock Root

Chaga Mushroom



Maple Syrup

Nettle Leaf


Plantain Leaf


Raw Honey

Red Clover

Rose Hips



There are other superior foods capable and willing to bring us amazing health benefits - like manna; and we can rely upon their powers. They fall in the categories of Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs and Spices.

I'll tell you more about these little miracles in Part III. In the meantime - go get some manna - Wild Blueberries from the frozen food section at the grocery store - eat some everyday and you will begin to thrive.

Be Safe (another storm coming) - Be Well - Be Happy

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