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Deb Wood, PhD, ND

LIGHTEN-UP Day 10 - Iditarod Bliss

OMGosh Everyone. I wish you could have been in Willow Alaska yesterday with us. We've never seen anything like this event. The excitement of the dogs, the mushers, dog handlers, announcers, volunteers, and visitors. Spectacular. The weather was perfect, and Denali came out in full splendor to smile on the race.

There were teary eyes (including us) as we watched Rick Casillo ride away into the wilderness to cover the 1000 miles to Nome. The veterans were also choked up as they felt similar feelings when they deployed, not knowing what they would face or if they would ever come home.

All morning long, I watched Rick. He seemed relaxed and on auto-pilot. He hugged the dogs and took time to hug all of us and be photographed. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. With all his extra layers of clothing and huge boots, he reminded me of a large Viking. He checked his supplies that would sustain him and his team. He expertly checked the leads, ropes, and sled. Each piece would be contributing to safety. He is number 9 in the convoy of mushing teams.

We left the race - quiet in our thoughts, wondering about the feeling Rick and the other mushers must have racing across the freezing, snowy wilderness, alone in their thoughts. Sometimes it's good to be alone.

TODAY'S WEIGHT - down another pound each! Happy Day. Clothes are loose. Onward and Upward feeling underwhelmed comparing our transformation program with the one Rick is on.


AM – BGJ extract mixed with water (Barley Grass Juice Extract) Breakfast – Honeydew melon Mid-AM – Bananas with celery sticks Lunch – Salad: baby spinach, romaine hearts, cucumbers, tomatoes, papaya, cilantro. Blended Dressing: tomatoes, papaya, scallions, Atlantic dulse Mid-PM – Coconut water with spirulina; grapes with celery sticks Dinner – Cut-up mangoes (lots; serve with romaine leaves on the side PM – Apple slices with date

TIP: Another quick pick-me-up snack is to take a small amount of raw honey on the tip of a spoon and then scoop out a spoonful of GO RAW Sprouted Watermelon Seeds. YUM. Quick and energizing.


Medical Medium Healing Path Module #9 -

Faith, step number nine, can feel hard to hold onto at times. Life can be difficult, traumatic and painful when we’re dealing with any condition or illness.


Muscles are sore from yesterday but the Pocket Gym and Fantastic Faces are on the schedule. The weather is turning cold and there is SNOW SNOW SNOW on the horizon.

Be Safe. Be Well, Be Happy.

It's Beautiful Out There.


Lynne & Deb

PS Help a Veteran - buy the new book: THE TRUTH ABOUT SUICIDE, The Recipe and The Antidote

Can you see Denali smiling?

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