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Deb Wood, PhD, ND


I adore restaurants. I love the whole experience of choosing which foods to indulge myself, and relaxing at these places of fine-dining. I think it comes from childhood, when I played "restaurant" outside and pretended I was privileged to go to a restaurant. I made a lovely salad with wild greens of grass, dandelion leaves, weeds, or whatever was growing at the time. I seldom ate them.

I've traveled all over the world and when I think of a place, such as Naples, Italy - I think of pizza and peaches. Two main foods I enjoyed while living there. When I think of being in Paris, I think of light, delicious soups and appetizers, and when I think of Virginia Beach, I think of Hot Tuna, she-crab soup, and many other fantastic dining pleasures.

While in Alaska, I have fond memories of moose and halibut.

But through the transformation process of LIGHTEN UP 33, the dining out restaurant experience has been ruined. Perhaps, foods are more toxic than they have been in the past. It is difficult to eat out. Many friends are telling me they are having the same gut-problem-issues from restaurants. It seems that eating out now causes indigestion, heart-burn and the inability to sleep well, even when we make good choices. WHAT THE PHO?

As you heal and become healthier, digestion will more than likely change and the foods you ate in the past will not serve you well, now. That's the bad news. For some good news, check out this article on GUT HEALTH on how to heal this situation.


Love Lynne & Deb

Understanding Gut Health

There is a great deal of misinformation on gut health today. The claims against leaky gut and candida are especially prevalent and misleading. It’s essential to understand the truth about commonly diagnosed gut conditions so that you and your loved ones can learn the right information to facilitate healing. Candida to SIBO In the 1980s, the conventional and alternative medical worlds were completely separated. The few practicing natural medicine doctors were severely undervalued. And at the same time, countless patients complaining of illness were being told by conventional doctors that they were lazy or insane and sent home with antiquated blood test results that appeared to be fine.

There is even a diagnosis on the medical books called, "Crazy Woman Syndrome." This label was given to women who complained about various aches and pains but could not be verified by so-called modern medicine methods of diagnosis.

During the 1980s, the number of practicing naturopaths exploded and around this time, the candida diagnosis was born. When the candida diagnosis first appeared, it was an incredible relief for many people who knew there was something wrong with them but hadn’t been given answers or support. The trend of killing one’s overgrowth of candida in the gut began. Unfortunately, Candida was not the correct diagnosis for those suffering. In actuality, many unknowingly suffered from a proliferation of bacteria in the gut stemming from streptococcus.

Today, many in the alternative medicine world have switched from blaming candida for people’s health struggles to blaming SIBO. Although science and research do not understand the cause of SIBO, it will someday learn that SIBO is caused by an overgrowth of antibiotic-resistant strep in the gut. Check out the radio show "Streptococcus Revealed" for more information about SIBO. Understanding Candida Without candida in the system, a person would die. Candida is constantly trying to save your life by absorbing any food or debris in your body that could feed streptococcus, E. coli, Epstein-Barr, shingles, or any other harmful virus, bacteria, or toxin.

When candida in the system is forced to gobble up too much of the offending food and debris while trying to protect you, an overgrowth of candida occurs. If you are diagnosed with candida, do not attempt to kill off the candida in your system. Instead, eliminate the foods feeding the bacteria that is triggering the inflammation.

Removing dairy, eggs, gluten, and grains from the diet will help starve the bacteria and reduce intestinal inflammation. Adding fruit to your diet, although some doctors may suggest otherwise, is another critical step. You can read my chapter on Candida in my frist book "Medical Medium." Leaky Gut

Be aware If you visit a gut health doctor, you might receive an incorrect leaky-gut diagnosis. Many who suffer from intestinal tract issues are told they have leaky-gut. Others, who don’t even have intestinal tract issues, but suffer from Epstein-Barr or shingles symptoms, are incorrectly diagnosed with leaky-gut as well. Even if you’ve been given a leaky gut diagnosis, it’s highly unlikely you have it. If you had leaky gut, you would be suffering from sepsis and an incredibly high fever. You would be in the hospital, possibly in a near-death condition. At some point, misinformation surrounding the leaky gut concept widely circulated and even today, books filled with completely inaccurate leaky gut information are being published. The truth is that leaky gut does not involve intestinal permeability as some doctors suggest.

If one endures constant heavy stress, eats a fat-laden diet or a diet high in processed sugar and fat, the overtaxed liver can become pre-fatty or fatty, bile production in the liver can minimize, and while this is happening hydrochloric acid can decrease.

When there is low hydrochloric acid in the stomach, food doesn’t digest properly and begins to rot in the intestinal tract. This rotting food produces ammonia, which is an agent that can move through any part of the body like a ghost through walls. Ammonia moves through even the most pristine intestinal lining and can leak out of the skin.

When ammonia spreads through the entire body, the name I’ve given this is ammonia permeability. Although it starts in the gut, ammonia permeability has nothing to do with candida or leaky-gut, but can result in fatigue, skin problems, restless sleep, anxiety and more.

In addition to producing ammonia, the rotting food in the gut is also a perfect source of fuel for streptococcus, C. Diff., E. coli, and MRSA. By rebuilding hydrochloric acid levels, you can strengthen your digestive system and eliminate the issues caused by poorly digested food. Hydrochloric Acid and Digestive Issues Although there are many theories as to what occurs, no one knows what happens to food once it enters the stomach. Yes, absorption, digestion, and assimilation take place, but there is much more at work, and it will take another thousand years before medical science and research understand much more of this God-given miraculous process. Unknown to research and science, we are all born with furry, microscopic hair on the inside of our intestinal tracts. These hairs help harbor elevated biotics and other beneficial bacteria. The throng of good bacteria blocks harmful bacteria from getting into the lining and triggering diverticulitis or other painful conditions.

Hundreds of years ago, these hairs were plentiful, but today, frequent antibiotic use and poor diet choices quickly wipe off the hairy lining, and the bare intestinal tract and colon become highly susceptible to callous growth and bacteria. You might respond by using more antibiotics, but they only exacerbate gut health conditions. The loss of this sensitive internal terrain is the beginning of digestive distress. Another primary reason for digestive troubles involves hydrochloric acid. Medical research and science do not know that hydrochloric acid is not one acid, as taught today, but rather a blend of seven acids. Acid reflux occurs when the seven blends of beneficial acid diminish and bad acids produced by bacteria and viruses take over.

Gastritis is another condition that arises with the overgrowth of bacteria. A high amount of gas in the system is not due to a fungus, yeast, or candida as some may think, but due to the bacteria that is overgrowing in the digestive system. Certain viruses, like the shingles virus, make the nerves in the body extremely sensitive. If you are suffering from viral issues related to shingles or Epstein-Barr or suffer from a heavy load of toxic metals, the nerves in your incredibly sensitive system might feel food rub the lining of the intestinal tract and colon as peristalsis takes place.

All these nerve endings are wired to the various parts of the digestive tract, and if you have a sensitive nervous system, you might believe the false notion you can’t digest anything. That is not true, and eating foods that seem to “go down” easily, such as eggs and cheese, only serve to feed the inflammation and nerve problems you are already experiencing.

Try eating a little avocado, boiled potato, sweet potato, or butternut squash, these foods might cause a little discomfort, but they are tremendously healing and just what your body needs at the beginning of your journey. As the liver becomes stagnant, hydrochloric acid in the stomach lowers, and food begins to rot in the intestinal tract, feeding any variety of bacteria in our system. We constantly pick up bacteria from different places. Although adding in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables at home is incredible, when it comes to eating out, sticking with a hot, cooked dish is the best option to avoid contamination and picking up a new bacteria variety.

Many people suffer from low-levels of food poisoning in their systems. Throughout life, these levels can increase, the lining of the intestinal tract can suffer damage, and inflammation can arise. Different pathogens create these different types of inflammation. Another common obstacle to gut health is scar tissue that can be rampant in our intestinal tracts. Scar tissue is not related to leaky gut syndrome but can be misdiagnosed as such. It is caused by antibiotics burning the intestinal tract lining, but it can also be brought about by bacteria, pollutants, and heavy metals. Elevated Biotics Elevated biotics is the term I have given to the undiscovered microorganisms that sit atop the organic produce you might find in farmers markets, on small patio gardens, and in orchards. These microorganisms are different than the weaker soil-borne microorganisms which hide in the soil and support the plants below ground. Elevated biotics can handle a multitude of pressures from wind, rain, and environmental pollution. When consumed, these elevated biotics nestle deep in the ileum and create an essential bioidentical B-12. Even if you’re only able to once or twice a year, munch on some organic kale from the farmers’ market, pick an organic apple from an orchard, or snack on some tasty organic berries from a neighbor’s garden. In doing so, an amazing amount of elevated biotics floods your body. Elevated biotics from produce eaten 20 years ago are still providing support to your system and keeping you alive. Elevated biotics can even stop scar tissue from forming in the intestinal tract and help reverse methylation issues. Eventually, people will realize the incredible power of these microorganisms to keep us alive and stop disease and will bottle up and sell these microorganisms. Until then, continue to get in the freshly picked fruits and veggies that harbor these gems! Foods and Supplements to Avoid Try to avoid eggs, soy, gluten, corn, and dairy products. These foods can feed viruses and bacteria, and cause greater issues with many intestinal conditions. Stay clear of canola oil which wrecks havoc on the gut lining and exacerbates any intestinal tract issue.

It’s also important to avoid diatomaceous earth particles which are incredibly hard on your intestinal tract. More information about diatomaceous earth can be found in my first book, Medical Medium. Healing Foods Plain celery juice is essential for rebuilding hydrochloric acid and overall gut health. 16oz on an empty stomach each morning can start to turn around gut issues and calm an inflamed liver.

Aloe water is incredibly anti-viral and anti-bacterial, it goes after harmful bacteria in the intestinal lining and lowers the build-up of bad acids. Simple directions for aloe water can be found on the Medical Medium blog.

In addition to celery and aloe water, papaya is phenomenal. Papaya soothes the nerves and is wonderful for anyone suffering from Crohn’s and colitis, IBS, chronic gastritis, or any viral and neurological problems irritating your nerves and affecting your intestinal tract.

Wild blueberries, oranges, spinach, all varieties of lettuce, sprouts, sweet potatoes, fresh mint, ginger, and lemon water are all tremendous additions to any diet.

Peppermint and ginger tea are two healing drinks you can incorporate. Healing Supplements MaryRuth Organics liquid probiotics or Enzymedica Pro-Bio are two supportive probiotic supplement options.

A daily supplement of barley grass juice extract powder is great for the intestinal tract.

Chaga mushroom powder supports the liver and subsequently supports gut health issues.

Cat’s claw and licorice root both kill off bacteria and viruses in the intestinal tract.

Add in B-12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin and magnesium for excellent gut support.

And, if you think you might have some type of bug in your intestinal tract, periodically using goldenseal can be beneficial. Moving Forward Although so many diseases connected to gut health are largely misunderstood, bloating, gas, gastritis, constant pain, constipation, diarrhea, inflammation and gut health disorders such as Crohn’s, IBS, colitis, and celiac can be healed. You can rebuild your hydrochloric acid levels, cleanse your liver, and raise the liver’s bile production with correct supplementation and healing foods. You can take the misinformation you might have been handed and turn instead towards these healing truths and support yourself and loved ones to recover.

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