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Let's look at the LIGHTEN UP Secrets revealed so far:

1. The more fruit you eat, the more weight you release and the healthier you are.

2. The size of your lunch box reveals the amount of weight loss you can reach.

3. The Kansa Wand - A natural face lift to tighten weight-loss loose-skin.

4. If you want to release weight, fat, dis-eases, addictions, etc? MOVE


  1. Set your alarm to ring every hour to remind you to MOVE for five minutes

  2. Walk around the room, or better still - outside

  3. Walk while you are on the phone

  4. Take the kids with you - make it fun to move, making great habits for them

  5. Join a gym

  6. Run in place

  7. Do jumping jacks or touch your toes

  8. Find movements you like to do

  9. Do them everyday

  10. Try the Pocket Gym - Personal Trainer

  11. Learn Fantastic Faces to firm you face and neck muscles

  12. Get a ZYTO Wellness Scan to find your Preferred Exercises

  13. Ask you kids what to do to MOVE - THEY KNOW stuff about MOVING

The following article is full of helpful information on MOVING TO LOSE WEIGHT:

WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS on February 07, 2016

Source © 2016 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

Move to Lose Weight

Being overweight puts a lot of stress on your joints. Getting more active can help you burn calories and trim down -- and reduce the stress on your joints. Build up to a consistent routine.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, migraine, nerve pain, undiagnosed.

Symptoms: Stiffness, joint pain, muscle pain, lower back pain, upper back pain, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points.

Exercise Caution

If you're new to exercise, start by asking your doctor what activity level is right for you. For example, if you have acute back pain you may have to avoid exercise until your back has healed.

Also, ask what types of exercise suit your condition. Water aerobics is often ideal for people with arthritis because it supports joints. Remember, exercise shouldn't hurt. If you notice an increase in pain, stop and tell your doctor. There may be other types of exercise that you can do.

Prompt: Exercise caution.

CTA: Start slow, and stop for pain.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Stiffness, joint pain, muscle pain, lower back pain, upper back pain, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Get Started Today

If you haven't been exercising, you may wonder how you'll ever get fit. The answer is one step at a time. Start where you are and set reasonable goals. If walking for 30 minutes all at once is too much, start with 5 or 10 minutes -- or whatever you can do comfortably. Then add a minute at a time as long as it doesn't cause pain. Measure your progress only against yourself, and try not to compare yourself with others. Then plan non-food rewards as you reach new goals.

Prompt: Start where you are.

CTA: Get fit one step at a time.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Stiffness, joint pain, muscle pain, lower back pain, upper back pain, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss


Stop thinking of physical activity as exercise. Just do activities you enjoy. You don't have to go to the gym for a good workout. It's all about moving -- however you do it. Walk the dog. Have a dance contest. Walk to the store. Shoot some hoops with your kids. There are all kinds of opportunities to get fit-- and every activity you do adds up to a fitter you. Find the ones that you get excited about. You're more likely to keep moving if you're having fun.

Prompt: What moves you?

CTA: Do activities you enjoy.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Reduced joint movement, stiffness, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Go for Consistency

To get the best results, spread your exercise out over the week. Exercising at least 3 days a week will keep your energy levels up, improve your heart health, and help prevent any exercise-related injuries. Over time, gradually build up to 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. You don't have to do all 30 minutes in one sitting. Doing 3 sessions of 10 minute exercise works, too.

Prompt: Consistency is key.

CTA: Don't be a weekend warrior.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, migraine, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Reduced joint movement, stiffness, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Exercise Counts

All adults are urged to shoot for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. To lose weight, you need to do even more than that. Brisk walking and water aerobics are both examples of moderate exercise. You may not be able to do that much exercise at first, but that's OK. Make it a goal, and gradually build up to it. You'll soon start seeing health benefits in better fitness, weight loss, and maybe even less pain.

Prompt: How much exercise?

CTA: Aim for 150 minutes a week.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, migraine, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Stiffness, joint pain, muscle pain, lower back pain, upper back pain, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, swimming, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Numbers Count

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. Being active helps you burn calories -- but how much? Here are some examples of about how many calories a 180 pound person would burn from 30 minutes of these activities:

* Water aerobics: 165

* Brisk walking uphill: 245

* Brisk bicycling: 327

* Playing with children: 164

* Swimming vigorously: 405

* Gardening: 164

Add more time, and you'll burn more calories!

Prompt: Burn it to lose it.

CTA: Being active burns calories.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, migraine, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Reduced joint movement, stiffness, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, swimming, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Fat-Burning Workout

To burn fat, gradually pump up the intensity and frequency of your workouts. If you work out 2 days a week, try 3. If you walk for half-an-hour, increase it by 5 minutes at a time as you get more in shape. Try interval training -- that is, alternating bursts of quicker walking with bursts of slower walking. Add weight training. Start with light weights. Aim for at least 2 times a week. All these activities will help boost your fat-burning potential.

Prompt: Burn Off Fat.

CTA: Turn up cardio, lose the fat.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, migraine, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Stiffness, joint pain, muscle pain, lower back pain, upper back pain, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, resistance training, strength training, swimming, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Fire-up Metabolism

Include resistance exercises at least 2 times a week to improve muscle strength and mobility.

Stronger muscles help reduce joint pain by better supporting joints. Building muscle also increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight. Try resistance bands, free weights, or weight machines for strength training. Talk with a trainer if you're not sure how to do certain exercises. Proper form is key to safe exercise. See the exercise Goal "Strength Train" to learn more.

Prompt: Boost metabolism!

CTA: Lift weights to lose pounds.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, migraine, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Reduced joint movement, stiffness, tenderness, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, swimming, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

Stay Motivated

Identify your own personal reason to get fit. Whether it's weight control, muscle strength, reduced pain, or just being healthier, it has to matter to you. To keep up your motivation over time, you also need to find internal motivators. Maybe a walk or run every day helps you let go of stress. Or maybe going to yoga classes helps you look and feel better. Think about what's rewarding to you about being active -- that will help you stay motivated.

Prompt: Feel encouraged?

CTA: Find your fitness inspiration.

Conditions: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, undiagnosed

Symptoms: Stiffness, weakness, muscle pain, lower back pain, upper back pain, weight gain, weakness, pain, pain when standing, pain with movement, neck pain, shoulder pain, aching, back pain, joint pain, joint tenderness, pain at night, pain worse in A.M., all over pain, spine pain, painful periods, tender points

Triggers: Desk work, inactivity, lying around, not exercising, poor posture, sitting too long, obesity, overweight

Treatments: Exercise, muscle strengthening, stretching, lifting weights, range-of-motion exercises, resistance training, strength training, walking, biking, dietary changes, eating less at dinner, nutrition therapy, eat healthy, weight loss

WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS on February 07, 2016


© 2016 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

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