Viktor Frankl wrote a book called "Man's Search for Meaning." It's superb. He knew of such secrets of living a well-lived life and had the right to write this since he encountered severe and traumatic Nazi-wartime concentration camps. His atrocious and unbelievable nightmare experiences gave him the right to speak on this topic, and his kindness should be rewarded with sainthood. How did he survive, and why would he have anything kind to say of humankind?
And yet, he did.
Many people have lived through extreme ordeals. Planet Earth is experiencing traumas for our time now as our beloved country and world have been turned upside down. We are sick and tired of the COVID nightmare, the Government lies and interferences with our God-given rights, and the massive censoring of our freedoms.
Will it ever end?
From an eternal perspective, how are we supposed to survive these nightmares or even react? But it seems every generation has its assignment of horrors or missions to accomplish.
We came to Earth, it seems, with a timely purpose.
Joan of Arc described it as:
"Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing. One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it…and then it's gone.
But to surrender who you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying – even more terrible than dying young." ― Joan of Arc.
To even attempt to understand the meaning of life, we can discover some understanding through looking at death. Many people have had near-death experiences where they have "died," and then returned to Earth after learning the meaning of life. They carry back a purpose to accomplish. It seems there is a common thread:
They returned to Earth to complete a task because they were not "done."
Does the "not done" purpose involve a noble task? Yes. Why else would there be so much trouble taken to travel to another dimension: Heaven, then back again to Earth? Everyone who describes this experience does so with a renewed sense of purpose. Coupled with super-human energy and focused determination.
If we study near-death experiences, we might find another common thread involving purpose along with the meaning of life. They return to Earth with the assignment to:
We don't have to wait for a near-death experience to figure out the meaning of life or to know that each one of us already has a divine purpose. We each have a mission, evident by the fact that we are here on Earth. I think the bottom-line is we are here to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and it does not matter if that difference is a huge Mahatma Gandhi effort or an effort that seems unacknowledged. Often the most incredible differences take place in private.
Offer a smile to someone you don't know, or better - to the someones in your life.
Set a goal to cause a smile in another.
Show kindness.
Offer a meal to someone hungry, or better - give them your meal.
Offer a word of encouragement, or better - a compliment.
Forgive someone, or better - forgive yourself.
Perform an act of kindness.
Always say thank you.
Give someone your most precious commodity - your time.
Lower your voice.
Slow your reactive comments. Think first.
Add your special qualities to this list.
Teach the Golden Rule by example.
Remember who you are - a divine being with the purpose and ability to make a difference.
Start each day with a goal to make a difference for someone else - maybe someone whom you don't like.
Donate to : "Saving one warrior does not change the world, but for that one warrior, the world is forever changed."
Read the Starfish Story:
Drink some celery juice.
Make a Difference.
Be Well ~ Be Safe ~ Be Happy.
It's a Jungle Out There